Sugar daddy

Candy Store 🍬


We are the young entrepreneurs of St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan dedicated to learn and experienced the real sweet taste of business.

Sugar Daddy: gummies that make you go ooh!


Sugar Daddy inspires and innovates with a one-of-a-kind and diverse selection of sweets. This enables us to meet our valued consumers' needs and expectations by providing high-quality items with authentic appearances that are devoted to providing that Christmas experience. We also feel that Sugar Daddy, as a growing new firm with a strong foundation in entrepreneurial subjects, plays an essential role in creating a beacon of light for other young entrepreneurs who aspire to follow the entrepreneur path.


By 2026, we envision Sugar Daddy to be the best sweet shop in our Locality. We will continue to be devoted to supplying pure quality items with authentic packaging, transparency, and excellent service to our consumers.


Sugar Daddy on Facebook
@sugardaddy_pulilan on Instagram
[email protected]

Gummies of the Week